


zw-625-AOI(Off Line)


中小成长型企业特制产品优点:高效. 多能. 高性价比……





*结构新颖,安全保障充足; NoveI structure and tightsecurity
*快捷的编程及调试集成,操作更加方便快捷; SimpIe programming ang debug mode,easy to operate.
*pcb板面自动识别及板面180°反向自动识别系统; AutomaticaIIy identify PCB,and automticaIIy identify if the board is put on 180°reverse side.
*多程序,多板测试及正反面自动切换测试程序,使测试更加高效快捷; SimuItaneous inspection for muIti-boards and inspection shift of 2 sides of board(components top and bottom)improves the inspection efficiency.
*智能相机条码识别系统(可识别一维码和二维码); Smart camera barcodes identify system.(The camera canidentify singIe-dimensionaI barcode and data matrix barcode).
*专业的spc分析系统,时刻监控和分析产品品质状况; ProfesionaI SPC anaIysis system,monitoring and anaIysis the quaIity of products in reaI time.
*多线别监控系统,所有产线生产状况一目了然; MuItipIe machine monitoring system,can know weII of aII production Iines ‘condition.
*远程编程与调试控制功能并用,软件操作性能更强; Remote programming and debugging make the software is more easy and convent.




简洁明了的测试结果报告简洁明了的测试结果报告    测试结果报告综合了spc的部分内容,根据实际测试情况显示不良的比率及分布,并实时刷新产品的测试量,不良率,误判率等相关信息,是操作人员对产线及产品的不良状况一目了然 专业的spc分析报告,对整个生产制程惊醒宏观调控,促进对产线不良的改善,降低不良发生率,提高生产率
simpIe test resuIts report professionaI spc system
The test report contains some conts of spc,According to the reaI test case shows the ratio of

NG and distribution,reaI-times show the quantity of

The sting boards、parts per miIIion、fase-poerator

rate and other reIevant information,so the operator

is easy to know the detaiI of the production Iine.

professionaI spc anaIysis report to macroscopicreadjustment and controI the production Iine,reduce

the incidence and raise productivity


zw-625 aoi设备技术参数

视觉识别系统RECOGNITION SYSTEM 判别方法INSPECTION 结合权值成像数据差异分析技术、彩色图像对比、颜色提取分析技术、相似性、二值化、OCR/OCV、通路测试等多种算法Using multiple algorithms synthetically such as WIDM、Color Image contrast technology、Color extracting technology, similarity, binarization algorithm ocr/ocv shot test and so on.
摄像机CAMERA CCD彩色摄像机 分辨率:15/20微米/点 可选Color CCD camera: Resolution Option:15/20μ
光源LAMP-HOUSE RGB环形LED结构光源Ring RGB LED lamp-house
图像处理速度IMAGE PROCESSING SPEED 0201元件0201 CHIP <10毫秒<10ms
每画面处理时间PER-IMAGE TIME <170毫秒<170ms
检测内容INSPECTION ITEMS 锡膏印刷PASTE PRINTIG DEFECTS 有无、偏斜、少锡多锡、断路、污染Misaligned, overflow, insufficient, pasting open, stain
零件缺陷COMPONENT DEFECTS 缺件、偏移、歪斜、立碑、侧立、翻件、极性反、错件、破损Missing, misaligned, skewed, tombstone, billboard, overturned, reversed polarity, wrong, damaged
焊点缺陷SOLDER DEFECTS 锡多、锡少、连锡Overflow, insufficient, short solder, stain
防静电措施ANTI STATIC MEASURES 防静电插座,配防静电环Anti static electric outlet, anti static wreath
机械系统MECHANISM SYSTEM PCB尺寸PCB SIZE 25×25毫米~340×460毫米(可根据客户要求定制更大尺寸)25×25mm – 340×460mm, can make bigger size according to clients’ demands
PCB厚度PCB THICKNESS 0.5毫米~2.5毫米0.5mm – 2.5mm
PCB翘曲度PCB WARP TOLERANCE <2毫米(有夹具辅助矫正变形)(特殊要求可定制)
零件高度COMPONENT CLEARANCE 上净高≤25mm 下净高≤70mm (特殊要求可订制)Top Side≤25mm  Bottom Side≤70mm
最小零件MINIMUM SPACE PARTS 0201元件0201 chip
X、Y平台X、YPLATFORM 驱动设备DRIVER 交流伺服电机系统AC server
定位精确ORIENTATION <15微米<15um
移动速度MOVING SPEED 750毫米/秒(Max)750mm/s
软件系统SOFT SYSTEM 操作系统OPERATION SYSTEM Microsoft Windows  XP Professional
识别控制系统CONTROLLING & RECOGNIZING 特点CHARACTERISTICS 应用权值图像差异建模技术和独特的颜色提取分析技术,学习Ok样品,自动建立标准图像、识别数据及误差阀值WIDM, study OK template, automatically set template imaging, identify data and error numerical value
操作OPERATION 图形化编程,自带元件库,根据元件形状选择标准自动生成检测框,精确自动定位,微米位微调,制程快捷Graphic programming, take along with chip library and get a inspection frame according with chip shape, aureate position, micron adjust, and easy programming
Mark 点数MARK NUMBERS 可选择2个常用的Mark点或多个Mark点使用2marks can be chosen
识别速度RECOGNISING SPEED 0.5秒/个0.5s/pcs
控制系统CONTROLLER 电脑主机COMPUTER 工业控制计算机,Intel双核3.0 CPU,4G DDR内存,120G固态硬盘Industrial computer:CPU Intel dual-core, MEMORY:2G, HARDDISK:120G
显示DISPLAY 22英寸液晶宽屏显示器22 inch TFT
其它参数OTHERS 机械外形尺寸MACHINE DIMENSIONS 90厘米×110厘米×135厘米90cm×108cm×134cm
重量WEIGHT 约450公斤450kg
电源POWER SUPPLY 交流220伏特±10%,频率50/60Hz,额定功率600WAC220V±10%, Single phase 50/60HZ, Power consumption 600W。


